Liubarski vs. Soultanbeieff Part 2
Let’s Continue the game……
White: Liubarski
Black: Soultanbeieff
Here’s the position after Black’s 8th move:
9. h3
Not the best move. White was attempting to prevent the pin (9. …Bg4). However, this move weakens pawns around the king and gives Black a target
9. …h6
Black will now start his attack against the h3 pawn. This move prepares Black’s move g5.
10. Qe2
White develops the Queen and adds extra support to the e4 and f2 pawns.
10. …g5
Black continues the march of the pawn forward to attack h3.
11. Nh2
White attempt to stop the advance of the pawn to g4 by adding an additional attacker to the g4 square.
11. …g4
Black plays the move anyways. The pawn “sacrifice” will open lines to the White King.
12. hxg4
White is almost forced to take the pawn. On 12.Nxg4, then 12. …Nxg4 13.hxg4 Rg8. And on 12.g3, then 12. …gxh3 and Black can advance the h pawn to further open the position.
12. …Rg8
Now Black attacks the pawn 3 times and it’s only defended twice, so Black will regain a pawn (but hold on the h6 pawn is now undefended). Black also places his rook on the same line as the White King.
13. Bxh6
Pawn grabbing when your King Safety poor is not a good idea. Instead, White best move is 13.Nd2 and play could continue 13. …Nxg4 14.Ndf3 h5.
Black retake a pawn with an attack on the Bishop on h6.
14. Be3
White must retreat the Bishop, and places it on a square where it helps blunt the affects of Blacks Bishop on b6.
14. Nxh2
Black wins the Knight! This Knight is actually immune from capture, and with the material advantage of a knight Black can easily win the game.
15. Kxh2
Oopps…I guess White does not see what’s coming.
15. …Qh4+
Black brings the Queen, the best attacker, into the attack.
16. Kg1
Forced. The King has no other move.
16. Qh3
Black now threatens mate on g2 and White has no way to defend against mate. For example: 17.g3 Rh8 18.f3 (to make an escape square for the King) Bxe3+ 19.Qxe3 (forced) Qxg3# (or Qh2#).
White Resigns
King Kibitz
Do Tactics. Study Games. Play Chess
White: Liubarski
Black: Soultanbeieff
Here’s the position after Black’s 8th move:
9. h3
Not the best move. White was attempting to prevent the pin (9. …Bg4). However, this move weakens pawns around the king and gives Black a target
9. …h6
Black will now start his attack against the h3 pawn. This move prepares Black’s move g5.
10. Qe2
White develops the Queen and adds extra support to the e4 and f2 pawns.
10. …g5
Black continues the march of the pawn forward to attack h3.
11. Nh2
White attempt to stop the advance of the pawn to g4 by adding an additional attacker to the g4 square.
Black plays the move anyways. The pawn “sacrifice” will open lines to the White King.
12. hxg4
White is almost forced to take the pawn. On 12.Nxg4, then 12. …Nxg4 13.hxg4 Rg8. And on 12.g3, then 12. …gxh3 and Black can advance the h pawn to further open the position.
12. …Rg8
Now Black attacks the pawn 3 times and it’s only defended twice, so Black will regain a pawn (but hold on the h6 pawn is now undefended). Black also places his rook on the same line as the White King.
13. Bxh6
Pawn grabbing when your King Safety poor is not a good idea. Instead, White best move is 13.Nd2 and play could continue 13. …Nxg4 14.Ndf3 h5.
Black retake a pawn with an attack on the Bishop on h6.
14. Be3
White must retreat the Bishop, and places it on a square where it helps blunt the affects of Blacks Bishop on b6.
14. Nxh2
Black wins the Knight! This Knight is actually immune from capture, and with the material advantage of a knight Black can easily win the game.
15. Kxh2
Oopps…I guess White does not see what’s coming.
15. …Qh4+
Black brings the Queen, the best attacker, into the attack.
16. Kg1
Forced. The King has no other move.
16. Qh3
Black now threatens mate on g2 and White has no way to defend against mate. For example: 17.g3 Rh8 18.f3 (to make an escape square for the King) Bxe3+ 19.Qxe3 (forced) Qxg3# (or Qh2#).
White Resigns
King Kibitz
Do Tactics. Study Games. Play Chess
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