Saturday, June 12, 2010

Improving Your Chess Using Part 1

Improving Your Chess Using Part 1

There are a lot of good chess servers out there. For example:

However, I would like to discuss improving your chess with with “online” chess.  Online chess at is NOT playing against an opponent who is currently logged onto the server.  Online chess games are slower paced games (like playing chess by email) except for the fact that the server tracks and displays the chess position.
Each player gets 1 to 14 days to make a move, where 3 days is the typical time to make a move.  I have found, however, that most of my opponents make 1 or 2 moves each day.  The time allows you to analyze the position and to examine variations.
Next, you can choose to play against other chess players who are at about the same chess strength as you.  At you develop a chess rating as you win and lose games, and you can select the rating “range” for your online game.
Next, you can play as many simultaneous “online” games as you like.  I personally only play about 5 games at a time so that I can concentrate on each game.  However, I have seen opponents that play 10, 20, and even almost 50 simultaneous games.
King Kibitz
Do tactics. Study Games. Play Chess

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